Wednesday, January 4, 2017

The KAWS at the Modern

“Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.”
― Edgar Degas
     Yesterday, I had a great day with a couple of my favorite people...Annunziata and Lanham are neighbors from our neighborhood South of Fort Worth where we lived before moving to the Villas in FW. They lived right across the street from us, built their house a year or so after we were Lanham at that time!  So I have known that young man since birth!
Lanham with a KAWS piece at the Modern
    We met at the Modern Museum in FW and had lunch then viewed the current guest exhibit.."KAWS:Where the End Starts". A very interesting, thought-provoking modern Pop Art exhibit. KAWS is a young artist-43-who began his art with an educated form of street art. Check out the link about him, how he got started and how he got to where he is today.
Annunziata and Lanham
A Bust of the Artist
Annunziata and Jay outside the Modern
    I was pleasantly surprised by the numbers of people who were at the Modern!  I say pleasantly because I think it is very cool when so many people enjoy art!  The Modern is free on Sundays, and it is always crowded with all ages and walks of life.  I love it when I see couples with little kids up to teenagers in attendance!  Culture is not dead!
One of the walls between rooms in the exhibit
    I asked the  monitor (you know, the guys/gals who are there to tell you to not get too close...I am speaking terms with many of them...just ask my kids!) who painted it because it is on a permanent wall and is a very good rendition of KAWS work.  He told me that the artist himself came and painted it for the show! I knew artists often help with the installment of  their works because they have very definite ideas of how their art should be displayed, but I didn't realize they would go this far!  I then asked what would become of it when this show is over...he said it would be painted over!  He said there were many layers of different art work on the walls. Wow!  I thought...boy, years from  now, when arecheologists are uncovering this, they are going to be really mystified by that!


  1. Painting over art, that is interesting! It took me a few years to appreciate modern art and now I love it.

  2. I loved that show! Enjoyed hearing your experience!!
